Friday, December 16, 2011

What a difference a year can make!

Last night was our work Christmas Party. Scott and I had a blast hanging out with and getting to know folks from  different campuses. It was a great night.

There was an element of fun at the party too...a DJ! If you know me at all, you know that I LOVE to dance. I don't care if I look ridiculous or not (which Scott assured me I didn't) I just can't help not moving to music. Ladies from all campuses, and a few guys, gathered on the dance floor and we laughed and danced the night away...well, maybe just until about 9:30, but still.

While Scott doesn't prefer to dance, he stood to the side of the dance floor and had fun chatting with other folks and laughing at us out there. He told me last night that he had a blast watching me have fun. Have fun? I did. Work up a sweat? I did that too! :)

All of these fun happenings got me thinking of this time last year. This time last year, Endo had taken hold of me and I was bed ridden. I didn't have the energy to bake Mycah a birthday cake, so we had to use store bought. (And for DeWeil-ing a cake, that just won't do!) I missed all of December at work last year. I didn't get to attend a Christmas service. I missed the staff Christmas party. I was doing all I could to make it day by day due to the pain.

I remember the night of last year's party, I convinced my sister to take me to Target. I had to just get out of the house for a minute and really needed to look for some Christmas presents. Since the sciatic pain was so great, due to Endo, I couldn't drive. We rolled up in Target, me walking with a pronounced limp, no make up on, and us moving at a snail's pace. We happened to see some folks from work there who were taking advantage of the free time after the party. I remember the feeling in my heart of a longing to be me. A longing to be normal again.

I know that I might be making this Endo thing sound as bad as terminal cancer, which I know it is not. However, I do feel like whenever your life is completely shut down, there are going to be some feelings of loss, heartache, and confusion. I felt all of those things for a while until I really embraced the fact that God loves me. God has a special plan for me. God is in control. No matter what, God is faithful and I can trust Him to take care of me. His timing is perfect. These things may sound trite but I will tell you they are truth. These truths are what have carried me through this past year.

So, hold on. He is doing great things in your life. You may be confused and may not be able to see them, but He is working! Thank God for where you are right now. Thank Him for His faithfulness. I know I do daily! I am so thankful for where He has brought me through this journey with Endo. I am so thankful for how He has healed my body, even if it wasn't on the time frame I thought it should have been. I am so thankful that through it all He has been faithful to me and my family. He is always at work and hears your heart. Never forget that!

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