Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Just a day in the life...

This afternoon I went in to get Sienna from her classroom, instead of waiting in the car line, since I had some treat bags to deliver. We got to hang out for a good hour before we went to get Mycah. We made a pit stop for Happy Hour at Sonic. :) Sienna wanted an orange slushy and I got a diet Strawberry Limeade. So tasty! We then hit up the Family Dollar to waste some time and try to see if there might be any toys she saw that Santa may be able to bring this year. (as Santa is on a budget this year) :)

We went to grab Mycah and then we all headed home. Tuesdays are fun days for me. Though we don't have the girls on Tuesdays, I get to spend a little time with them since their mom has class until around 4. We gobbled up some snacks and then set out to do work. Mycah got started on her homework and Sienna started  on creating a "design your own" mirror.

Though this is just an ordinary afternoon, with nothing special really going on, I just had to share. Because it is the moments like these that make my heart swell. Even though Scott has to work really late tonight, his afternoon phone call made it all okay. (He is in yet another insane crunch time at work. Prayers for time management, not getting flustered, and wisdom would be much appreciated.)

As Sienna was creating and designing her mirror, she picked up one of the jewels and begin to stare at it. This is what I saw...
Not wanting to really break this moment, but curious what she was doing, I quietly asked, "Sienna, what are you thinking about?" She turned the back of the self-adhesive jewel to me and whispered, "It looks like snow. Like snow on the branches." (here is what she was looking at)
I whispered back, "You are right, Sienna. It does look like snow on the tree branches." *Sigh* I love the random thoughts and musings of our children!

I wanted to peek in on Mycah and check out how homework was coming. I entered her room and made my way to work area. I asked if I could take her picture. The first response was, "Why?" I should have said something like "I know I'm weird, but I just want to capture you doing the normal everyday things because I love you." However, my response was not as graceful or full of love. I simply said, "Why not?" (I have already asked for forgiveness for my lack of control of my tongue and have been rebuked for my casual attitude--I'm learning.) Her next response made me smile, "Sure." So here she is. In her work corner, doing her normal thing.

Homework. My oh my, how we have come to loathe it yet know that we can't hurry up, be lazy, copy peoples' papers, or just not do it. That never seems to turn out well. We are all learning!

So here's to hoping your normal, everyday, day in and day out, rest of your day goes fabulous. Praying that you have a chance to savor the little things and shower those around you with love. I am working on being more intentional about this! :)

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