Friday, December 2, 2011

projects, projects, projects

Happy Friday!

I have been a bit busy lately, but not in the usual way. I have been finding some very interesting projects to dive into. Between Pinterest and The Dating Divas, I have been keeping myself busy! I wanted to share with you a few of the new things I am working on, have just finished, or that are in process. Maybe, just maybe, it will be of some inspiration to you or spark some kind of idea in you. The holidays are a super fun but super busy time. If you take a few moments to try something new or do something just for you, maybe it will keep the magic of Christmas alive and not let it get drowned out by the hustle and bustle.

  • Affirmation Christmas Countdown--This is the best idea! I had seen this idea on The Dating Divas website some time ago. The author of the post had done this for her husband for his birthday. I immediately thought it might be a fun way to give a gift (of words, dates, etc) for my man for Christmas. We are coming up on celebrating one year of marriage and we have been through a lot this year. I wanted to do something creative to show him how much he means to me and how I'm more in love with him now than ever. This idea could totally be done for children or roommates or whatever! It cost me nothing but time! I even enlisted the help of some special folks to make this project even sweeter. So, who could you totally bless with some words of encouragement, praise, love, and thankfulness?
  • Oil Cleansing Method (OCM)--Thanks to a link on Pinterest, I have found this very interesting method for facial care. If you know me at all, or have seen me more than once, you have known that I have trouble with my skin. I didn't really have issues until I went to college. Since then, all the way to right now, I have had problematic skin. Think: oily, dry, clogged pores, breakouts, deep under-the-skin kind of bumps, & uneven skin tone. I see these ladies who don't have to wear makeup because their skin is near perfection and, I must admit, I tend to be a bit jealous. I have heard, for some time, that using oil on your face is actually good for it. This flew in the face of any and everything I had ever heard and I dismissed it completely. Until now. My thinking now? I've tried it all--from drug store cleansers to prescription cleanser and meds--what have I got to lose? So I've started the Oil Cleansing Method. I am only on day 3 of this endeavor, but so far have been pleased. My face feels clean and has not been as oily as it tends to be. I will definitely keep you posted on progress as I continue. 

  • Going 'Poo Free!!! While I was doing some research on the Oil Cleansing Method, I happened to find the link to THIS blog post. I was so intrigued. Here's the thing. I'm not a hippie or a peacer or a treehugger, however, I do think natural methods tend to be very helpful. I also hate spending money. As my husband will tell you, since I would rather buy my clothes at the Goodwill than a retail store. So, I did more research and read the many comments of readers who had success and had variations on this subject of cleaning your hair without shampoo and conditioner. I brought this idea to Scott and he was game for me trying it (not him, but I could go for it) :). So I started last night. There is a transition period, so I hear, and today I feel like my hair is a little limp, but on our date night last night Scott couldn't tell I had done anything different to my hair. This method costs next to nothing and I am excited to see if my fine, limp, straight hair will improve over time. We shall see. Again, what have I got to lose?
  • Christmas Fun!! Thanks Pinterest! :) I have tried these few projects and been pleased with their results! I love to be creative and am thankful that my creativity has the spark from other creative folks. We are all in this together! :)

  •  Last but not least, here is the latest thing I am trying TODAY! Here's to hoping it turns out well because I think it is too cute!

Well, TGIF!!! We have the girls this weekend and there are lots of new and exciting things happening. If we don't chat before Monday, have a GREAT weekend! Love you all!

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